YEC CNY Celebration 2023


中总逾160个来自全马各地的青商团团员于2023年2月9日,齐聚吉隆坡金龙船鱼翅海鲜酒家,共庆 “2023年中总青商新春聚会” 。筹委会主席是锺秉宏。




Group photo taken after the YEC CNY Celebration 2023.


The guests had Prosperity Toss during the dinner, and celebrated the year of Rabbit. From left were Nic Khew, Dato’ Oon Weng Boon, Dato’Tan Kian Meng, Datuk Ng Yih Pyng, Tan Sri Low Kian Chuan, Leon Lee, Choong Pin Hoong, Ken Yap, Dato’ Jeffrey Lai, and Teah Soo Hong.
YEC CNY Celebration 2023
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